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Below outlines various scenarios that a faculty member may encounter as common questions as it relates to classroom management and providing student guidance.  This section does not address employee COVID guidance.  Please visit the Employee page for that information.  Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any other additional questions. 

A student has told me they tested positive for COVID. What do I do?

  1. Advise the student to notify the Student Health Center by calling (707) 664-2921.  If you require a note to miss class, advise the student to request a note from the health center.
  2. If the student attended an in person class, you may notify your class of the exposure without providing the name of the student or any additional information that could lead to the identification of the student. A template for this notification is available. (SSU does not conduct contact tracing for students.)
  3. To protect the privacy of the student, you may not reveal the name or identifying information about any COVID case with any other person, including other faculty or other persons you believe may have had contact with that person.
  4. If the student was present for an in person class within 2 days of when they tested positive or started feeling sick, you should consider taking a COVID test 3-5 days after they were in your class.  You may also consider wearing a face covering until you test negative.

A student told me they were exposed to COVID.  What do I do?

There are no requirements to quarantine if someone has been exposed to COVID.  They may continue to attend classes and participate in activities on campus.  We do recommend that they wear a mask when indoors and in close contact with others for 5 days after the exposure.  We also recommend regular testing after exposure.  They may use at home antigen tests, which are available through most health care providers and drug and grocery stores. Students can contact the Student Health Center with additional questions at (707) 664-2921.

A student is attending my class and exhibiting signs of illness. What can I do?

There is no ability for a faculty member to force a student to leave.  We recommend you speak privately with the student and encourage them to stay home until they are well and provide them with information on how you can accommodate them during that time.  If the student remains in your class, you may consider wearing a face covering and maintaining physical distancing to protect yourself. 

The Student Health Center cannot contact a student on your request.