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Any person who becomes aware or concerned about an actual or potential act of workplace violence should make a report to an appropriate university official as soon as possible.  The department/official to make a report to depends upon the nature of the threat or incident. 

The list below includes university departments that are integral to workplace violence prevention and response at SSU.  While it is important to report an incident or concern to the most appropriate and relevant department to ensure a prompt and effective response, employees should not let confusion over where to report cause undue delay in reporting.  If the incident involves the ongoing commission of a crime, physical harm to another person, or threat to property, the report should be made to Sonoma State University Police Department without delay.

Other than those reports that require an immediate report to SSUPD, reporters may use the workplace violence incident reporting form to report incidents or concerns over workplace violence hazards and conditions.  In lieu of the reporting form, reporters may directly contact the following departments.

  • The Sonoma State University Police Department should be notified of any imminent threat to life or property, crime, physical assault, threat of physical assault, hate crime or incident, suspicion of or incident involving abuse, or other situation that requires immediate intervention to avoid a physical altercation or ensure the safety of others. Contact 911 for emergencies or (707) 664-4444 non-emergency line. 
  • The Workplace Violence Prevention Program Administrator (Tyson Hill) may be notified about any incident of workplace violence. Contact (707) 664-3832.
  • Human Resources/Faculty Affairs and Success may be notified of any concerns over employee conduct or an incident of workplace violence that does not represent an imminent threat of violence or other concern that should be referred to SSUPD. Human Resources contact at (707) 664-3100 and Faculty Affairs may be contacted at (707) 664-2192.
  • The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) may be notified of any concerns over employee conduct or an incident of workplace violence involving discrimination against another person due to age, disability (physical or mental), gender (or sex), genetic information, gender identity (including transgender), gender expression, marital status, medical condition, nationality, race or ethnicity (including color or ancestry), religion or religious creed, sexual orientation, and veteran or military status; or sexual misconduct including domestic or dating violence, sexual harrassment, sexual assault or battery, rape, or stalking. OPHD can be contacted at (707) 664-4140. 

Employees may report incidents or threats of workplace violence or concerns about workplace violence without fear of reprisal or retaliation.  Any reports of reprisal or retaliation should be reported immediately to the Program Administrator.  Alternatively, such reports may be directed to OSHA by calling (707) 649-3700 or emailing