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Workplace Violence Incident Log

Environmental Health and Safety will maintain the Violent Incident Log. The department official in charge will work with EHS to ensure they have adequate information to complete the log. 

The information included on the log will be based on information solicited from the employees who experienced the workplace violence, on witness statements, and on investigation findings. 

The log must include the following information:

  •  Date/time/location of the incident.
  • The workplace violence type or types involved in the incident.
  • A detailed description of the incident.
  • Classification of the perpetrator (e.g., client, customer, friend, coworker, etc.).
  • Classification of circumstances at the time of incident (e.g., working regular job duties, rushed, working during low staffing, isolated/alone, working in unfamiliar or new location, poorly lit area, etc.).
  • Classification of the location where the incident occurred.
  • Whether security or law enforcement was contacted.
  • Actions taken by the employer to protect the employee or other hazards identified because of the incident.
  • Information about the person completing the log, including name, job title, and date completed.
  • The type of incident
    • Physical attached without a weapon (e.g. biting, choking, grabbing, hair pulling, kicking, punching, slapping, pushing, pulling, scratching, spitting)
    • Attack with a weapon or object
    • Threat of physical force or threat of the use of a weapon or other object
    • Sexual assault or threat (e.g. rape, attempted rape, physical display, or unwanted verbal or physical sexual contact)
    • Animal attack
    • Other

The log does not include any personal identifying information sufficient to allow the identification of any person involved in a violent incident.

If an incident on university property involved or impacted employees of a university contractor or auxiliary, the employer or employers whose employees experienced the workplace violence incident shall record the information in a violent incident log pursuant to their workplace policies and shall also provide a copy of that log to Sonoma State University Office of Environmental Health & Safety as soon as practicable.

Please contact the Director for Environmental Health and Safety, email, visit, or call (707)  664-2100 for copies of any of these records.  Logs will begin July 1, 2024.


No workplace violence incidents reported as of July 1, 2024.