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University Field Trip Guidelines

General Guidelines

  • Field trips, with University provided transportation (charter bus or rental van), should begin and end on campus.
  • Field trips, where the University does not provide group transportation, should begin and end at the off campus location. Student field trip participants are encouraged to organize and/or arrange their own transportation to and from the field trip site(s).
  • All field trips should be designated as a mandatory course requirement. (Exceptions to and/or make-up participation are decided by the college or department).
  • Field trip participants should be advised of any hazardous, extraordinary, or strenuous activity anticipated during the field trip.
  • Field trip participants should complete and submit a release of liability waiver that should be retained in the sponsoring department for at least 3 years.
  • A participant list naming all persons attending the field trip should be retained in the sponsoring department. This participant list should also designate a contact person with a phone number in the event of an emergency.
  • Designated vehicle drivers must obtain University approval and meet all the requirements to be an authorized University driver prior to field trip departure.
  • No alcoholic beverages or controlled substances shall be transported in a State or private vehicle at any time.
  • Guests are not allowed on field trips to minimize the risk exposure and liability to the University . Field trips should be limited to faculty, staff, enrolled students , and/or approved volunteers of the University.

University Drivers

  • Only authorized University drivers may drive for field trips and/or drive University owned vehicles.
  • The STD 261 (Authorization to Drive a Privately Owned Vehicle form) should be completed by authorized University drivers using their privately owned vehicles. Completed STD 261 Forms are submitted and maintained by the authorized University driver's department.

Medical Coverage for Accident Injury

  • In the event of an injury, primary medical coverage will be provided by the field trip participant's personal health insurance. If a student's health care benefits are exhausted, the CSU Student Travel Accident Insurance helps pay for additional related injury expenses.
  • Faculty, staff , and approved volunteers injured on a field trip should contact the Workers' Compensation Coordinator at (707) 664-2664.